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An online magazine full of interesting and important articles on topics such as current affairs, history and the environment.

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Review: Eleanor Oliphant Is Completely Fine

Written by Isabella Boneham Synopsis on Goodreads:Meet Eleanor Oliphant: she struggles with appropriate social skills and tends to say exactly what she’s thinking. Nothing is missing in her carefully timetabled life of avoiding unnecessary human contact, where weekends are punctuated by frozen pizza, vodka, and phone chats with Mummy.  But everything changes when Eleanor meets Raymond, the bumbling and deeply unhygienic IT guy from her…

The Myth of Marilyn Monroe

Written by Issy Golding. Marilyn Monroe. Everyone has their own image of the woman that embodies that name. But that is kind of the point. Marilyn was there for people to project their own images and fantasies on. Carefully created and then honed by the studio system at a time when “dumb blondes” were seen as disposable and easily replaceable. Fifty-nine years after her death,…

British military history and the female gender

Written by Charis Gambon The military has often been portrayed as a career for males historically. However more females are joining the military and opportunities are beginning to open up for the female sex. In ‘’April 2020, 10.9 per cent of the UK Regular Forces were female (15,900 personnel), as part of a longer term increasing trend since April 2017.’’ The military is portrayed as…

The Marriages of Elizabeth Taylor

‘written by Megan Musgrove’ On 26th May 1950, an eighteen-year-old Elizabeth Taylor stood outside the Church of the Good Shepherd, ready to wed hotel heir Conrad ‘Nicky’ Hilton. The wedding had been hijacked by the studio she was contracted to, MGM, who saw it as convenient promotion for her latest film Father of the Bride, so along with gifting Elizabeth her wedding dress, the studio…

Boy Soldiers: A Personal Story of Nazi Elite Schooling and Its Legacy of Trauma book review

written by Charis Gambon I thoroughly enjoyed reading boy soldiers and suggest that anybody who is interested in WW2 and history reads this outstanding book. The subject of Nazi boy soldiers is one that I and many others know very little about as it is not discussed in the history books.  This book therefore is able to shed light on a subject that is unknown…

Magnificent Women and Flying Machines Book review

Written by Charis Gambon Magnificent women and flying machines is as the title suggests magnificent! The book written by  British women and their contributions to flight from 1785 to 1991.  40 women over 16 chapters are explored in this wonderful book. Each women in the book is provided with a short chapter about her unique contribution to aviation.  The book is unique as I have…


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